It was the cadence
It was the rhythm
Made me murmur:
(Made me admit?):
“I love you”
Terms agreed to
Plans to sign by Friday
I murmur:
(I admit?):
“I love you”
It was the cadence
It was the rhythm
My wife uses
My mom uses
My sister and me
But you’re a stranger
I’ve never seen
And I don’t love you
(Don’t I?)
And yet
It was the cadence
It was the rhythm
I murmured
Murmured: “I love you”
On our late afternoon conference call
“Ok all, great meeting”
“Terrific, terrific”
“Thank you”
“Oh no, thank you!”
“Ok then well have a great evening all”
“Good night”
“Good night”
“I love you”
“I don’t know why”
“Um, well”
“I don’t know why, why I said that”
It was the cadence
It was the rhythm
Your polite chuckle
Your quick goodbye
And now
At this late hour
At the bottom of this tumbler
In this low-lit cavern
I wonder:
“Do we still have a deal?”